Choose to live to the utmost

4 min readJan 23, 2017

Searching for every single reason not to go out and see the world, finding each and every excuse to stay in a set of corners pretending to have all the fun that exists… Coming across what everybody else does and you feel already worse and more deeply succombed to your little world of nothingness. Trying hard to overcome the void strangeling you from within and dragging you down lower and lower. Trying to break the imaginary chains from your hands and feet and get up and move and see the world but all ou do is look. All you do is look as you now know and believe that this is the only thing you can do, after not having the power to resist the chains and handcuffs holding you back… You breathe and don’t breathe, see and don’t see, hear and don’t hear, touch but your hands are hung, stand up but your feet are betraying you. You are alive but you’re not alive though you long to live and feel like the most alive person in the world. You want to have the world’s biggest adventures of your life and forget all the nonesense you put yourself into and actually be alive and contribute to the world, but you feel paralyzed, deeply wounded, breathless, dead, as though someone put you in the worst prison the world has ever built. The more you spend time there, the bigger your dreams become. The bigger your dreams are, the more frustrated you become because you know you can’t realize them. The longer you stay and the more you know you are frustrated, the more you become scared. The more scared you are, the less chances of you making a change, even the slightest, even just for yourself. You know now that the longer you stay there, the sooner you die. You know now that the longer you stay, the bigger you hatered to everything and everyone gets. You know for sure now that the longer you stay there, the more rageous, angry, scared, stupid, coward, ignorant person you grow up to be. You now know for sure that the more you stay like that, you end up rotting in your own corners of nothingness and on your own. We die alone eventually.

Don’t, just don’t.

You have a life to live to the utmost, you have all chances of a lifetime to take and they are waiting for you. You only live once. You are the only master of your plans. Only you can pusuie your dreams, nobody else will do it for you. Only you can love yourself and appreciate yourself no matter what anybody else ever says. You say you’re stupid, ignorant, enraged, frustrated and you like so because you keep saying that crap to yourself unstoppably. STOP. Stop hating yourself so that people love you. Stop waiting for others to tell you who you are. Stop making a fool out of yourself to feel better. Stop giving in all those negative feelings you put yourself into and end up believing in. Stop wasting time not making your dreams come true to please those who disagree with them. Stop bullshitting yourself. Stop destroying yourself. Stop destroying the only people who truly back you up and love you all your life, even in your worst moments deep within. Stop feeling angry with them because you know they’re the only people who faithfully trust you and care about you. Stop finding excuses not to love them. Stop destroying yourself. Stop looking for that perfect image you know you’ll never reach. Stop wanting all those things you don’t have and instead love and appreciate all those you already have. Love all those priceless things. Love the safety you have that others dream of having. Love all the food you have because you know there are people on Earth who die for it and wish they have even an ounce thereof. Love all the technology, even the oldest versions thereof, as you know others can’t communicate with their closest partners and wish to do so. So resist those chains and handcuffs, take them off. Bail out of that prison you put yourself into. Burn those handcuffs and chains till they become light ashes to be carried away with a simple beautiful breeze. Blow them away and see how they vanish. then Become the breeze you have always wanted to be. Become the people you have always dreamt of becoming and achieve all those dreams you couldn’t dare to. Dare all your enemies. Dare your haters, and turn them into fuel to proceed farther. Challenge hard times. Overcome your obstacles on the way. Learn to figure out different ways to continue. Learn to appreciate all those little successes that are going to lead you to the big one. Learn to establish a horizontal relationship with others to help you on your way. Don’t lead a perfect life, just let it be. Think of today as your last day. Think as though there is no tomorrow. Think of gone old yesterday where you can’t undo anything. Think of what you can do now. Think of all the risks you can enjoy. Think of all the opportunities you can get. Think of all the dreams you can achieve. Think of them now. DON’T WAIT. Don’t underestimate yourself. Don’t lock yourself up. Don’t imprison yourself. Don’t postpone. Don’t frustrate. Don’t die.





Keen on researching topics in regards to psychology, self and empowerment. Do not generally mind sharing and/ or reading other people s stories.