The Weight The Phrase “Bad Blood” Has

3 min readFeb 16, 2021
bad blood, terrible feelings, covered face

to be somebody selected, or determined to be ostracized from childhood is no joke. The last thing any one would want for themselves to be in that position, unknowingly, unwillingly by a higher authority, a higher power, blood-related.

In essence, blood can be thicker than water in several ways, its bond is much more powerful and influential than that of the water. it strikes as a bullet in the heart to know, though, that blood can rotten, if it has viruses, bacteria, and in general pathogenic elements that contaminate the blood, making it toxic and unbearable to stick around, obviously I mean for the white and red blood cells. And at this point, here come the immunity cells to the rescue! Otherwise, everything dies, and the blood becomes so bad it dries.

We can transcend that phenomenon happening inside the body to people among each other, tribes, clans, groups. People who are pathogenic by previous generations will raise their offspring to be something like them, a mold that they want to shape to become a future version of themselves, for more corruption, toxicity, narcissism to spread, for the roots of the evil tree to become deeper, in fact so so deep that even burning parts of those roots is not enough.

Blood is in fact thicker than water, but blood can turn bad, sour, dark in color, terrible in texture, clots everywhere and smelly. so what is the extent to where blood is thicker than water? and why should we even compare the two? to each his own, they different in their chemical constitution, reactions to different components, color, smell, consistency and everything in between.

isnt it terrifying to see a huge splash of blood in movies sometimes, or now in video games, or even in real life (I guarantee, much more terrifying in real life than on television)? and isnt it exciting or at least relieving to witness a wave or splash of water in real life, let alone television, tv series, games and pictures and videos as well?

But the closeness of people makes us think that “great, now it feels like we are blood related!” because there is nothing like that! Nothing feels better than being related by blood: sisters by blood, brothers by blood, friends by blood, etc. But the story is different if the opposite were true, it is not so great anymore, is it?

Bad blood in every aspect, trauma, stress, fear, guilt, shame, condescension, triangulation, smear-campaigns, gaslighting, denial, constant lies, manipulation, and so on. Let alone the physical, sexual, financial, moral, spiritual and verbal types of abuse. IN YOUR OWN BLOOD!

Which is why your only bet is to get out of it, detach from the whole chaos, the whole drama and live your life the way you deserve and to surround yourself with people who are there in thick and thin with you, and whom you are ready to support whenever you are okay and can as well, because it should be mutual, right?




Keen on researching topics in regards to psychology, self and empowerment. Do not generally mind sharing and/ or reading other people s stories.